Anima Armor Deep Dive

The Series 1 Green Rabbit assets distributed through pack and crates allow players to generate two in-game assets:

  1. Shellinium: Stake assets to generate Shellinium

  2. Greenprints: Assets are used to create Greenprints using Shell

Shelliunium is passively earned while NFTs are staked using flashdrive NFTs. Series 1 NFTs earn a fixed amount of Shellinium based on rarity. Shellinium is the Green Rabbit economic token used to interact with the game at almost every step. Players will need to acquire Shellinum through staking or off of the secondary market in order to play .

Greenprints are used to create two assets:

  1. Anima Armor: The armor used in the Ultra Anima Races

  2. Ascendant Orbs: A powerful energy resource created from 10 Greenprints are used to boost green print attributes and boost (level up) in-game characters like foragers and Greensmiths (discussed below).

Anima armor will be needed to participate in the upcoming ultra anima races. To create the Anima armor a player will need a Greenprint which contains information about the stats, and costs needed to craft with the Greenprint. Greenprints have varying stats based on which craft number they were on a given day’s allotment of Greenprints. Namely, the Greenprints which were created at the maximum of the daily limit will tend to have the best stats. For example, if the daily allotment for Common Greenprints is 10 then the 10th Greenprint (if successful) would be expected to have the highest stats of the 10 Greenprints crafting attempts made on that day in that rarity of Greenprint. It should also be noted that Shellinium prices increase as players approach the higher attempt number of Greenprint crafting through the SPU cost. The higher stats on the armor is designed to encourage players to use Shellinium to create anima armors with higher stats.

With the understanding that better Greenprint stats require more Shelinium to produce, we can continue to look at the Anima armor creation. Greenprints out of the box are not strong enough to endure the grueling component crafting process. Therefore players are recommended to boost their Greenprints to reduce the shell and materials cost used in component crafting. To boost a Greenprint a player needs to create an ascendant orb. Ascendant orbs are created through a fusion process of 10 Greenprints. The creation of ascendant orbs creates a market for the lower stat Greenprints balancing the creation process of Greenprints where high stat Greenprints are used to create armor and low stat Greenprints created in the attempt to get the higher stat Greenprints are fused to boost the higher stat Greenprints.

So now we have an understanding of the increased demand for Shell and the complete cycle of Greenprints to utilize both low stat and high stat Greenprints. Briefly, we can turn to Greenprint boosting. Greenprint boosting is expected to be applied to a player’s highest stat Greenprints. To maximally boost a Greenprint a user would need 10 orbs of the same rarity as that Greenprint in which they want to boost. Boosting is not a hard requirement to perform component crafting but it will typically take between 1 and 3 boosts at a minimum to harden the Greenprint enough to reduce the component crafting costs. The higher the stats are when starting the boosting process the more likely a particular stat is to succeed in boosting throughout the 10 boost process. Generally speaking, given the time and resources required to complete an Anima armor it is expected and recommended that the player perform the 10 boosts prior to starting component crafting. The need to boost a player’s Greenprint up to 10 times prior to component crafting creates a demand for low stat Greenprints (which require the initial assets and the Shellinium they generate) to create.

Now with a fully boosted Greenprint, a player may look to perform component crafting. In order to component craft, a player will need a Greensmith to perform the crafting and materials to be used by the Greensmith in crafting the components. In order to acquire materials, the player will need a forager to go on materials foraging missions to bring back materials for the Greensmith to use. In the short term, foragers will be able to be acquired through special missions which require an asset such as shell or WAX. Foragers will become available for production at a fixed rate. Players will be able to see how many foragers are available prior to start one of these missions. If successful the player will return with a forager of a random rarity, if they fail the player will return with a small number of materials. Longer-term the introduction of foragers is expected to be adjusted such that they are more guaranteed and in turn, the total production of materials will be adjusted based on the current sink of materials. As of today, there are no material sinks as component crafting (the first material sink) is under development.

Once the player has a forager that forager may go on foraging missions for a shell cost. After the forager returns from foraging the mission will return some or no materials and some XP gained on the mission. Once the player has gained enough XP to level the player may use an ascendant orb of the same or lower rarity to the forager to attain stat points. This process connects the need for Series 1 assets to create Greenprints in the materials foraging missions. As player levels up they can apply stat points to traits as they see fit and at certain levels become eligible for new material foraging tiers. New foraging tiers return higher rates of material production and cost more shell to perform.

Now the player has a boosted Greenprint and has attained materials to perform component crafting. Using a Greensmith the player may use shell and materials to begin forming components. Similar to foragers Greensmiths can be leveled by gaining XP through missions and using orbs to attain stat points. Greensmith’s must reach level 25 to be able to deconstruct all components. As Greensmith levels up the chances of achieving a higher quality component increase. Each component is assigned a quality on construction which can then be deconstructed and attempted again if a higher quality component is desired. The quality of each component will determine the success of armor fusions and the lowest quality component will determine the overall quality of the final armor. The higher the quality of a given Anima armor the less maintenance it will require between races.

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