Ascendant Orb Fusion

After having crafted your Greenprints and fused some into Ascendant Orbs, we recognize some folks might want or need Ascendant Orbs of a higher rarity that might be otherwise challenging or not possible for them to achieve. Therefore, we introduced Ascendant Orb Fusion. This allows players to attempt to fuse 5 orbs of a matching rarity to potentially achieve an orb of one higher rarity.

This functions much the same as Greenprint Fusion, you load the 5 orb NFTs of your choosing into the interface, the system will tell you how much Shell is required, you click the Fuse button and await your Orb Fusion outcome.

Note: A player currently has a maximum of 20 Ascendant Orb Fusion attempts per 24 hour period.

Last updated