Collection Staking Rates

3D Figure, Dioramas, Action, and Coins

The following table covers the staking rates in Shell/hour for the Series 1 3D Figure, Art Diorama, Art Action, and Art Coin NFTs. Note: Due to token inflation, rates displayed here are 25% of their original staking rates and may be subject to change in the future based on in-game economic factors.

Lore Tablet

The following table covers the staking rates in Shell/hour for the Series 1 Lore Tablet NFTs. Note: Due to token inflation, rates displayed here are 25% of their original staking rates and may be subject to change in the future based on in-game economic factors.

Promo NFTs

The following table covers the staking rates in Shell/hour for the Series 1 promo and NvenomsNFTz. Note: Due to token inflation, rates displayed here are 25% of their original staking rates and may be subject to change in the future based on in-game economic factors.

Last updated